Like most Kenyans you have not read the new A.G soon to be released draft which no one has and all we have to go by is the media and politicians who are really reliable especially after the 2007 election for their non-biased opinion and interests in the well being of Kenyans.Sarcasm for all those who are dimwitted not to detect it and lets be honest,i would not believe anything in the media or our politicians if its not backed up by facts that an FBI forensic report says are absolute.
And The Church?These so called men of God are an absolute contradiction to their name.Any reasonable Kenyan knows that church as a body is the biggest enemy to the establishment of Gods Kingdom on the Earth.Historically the Catholic church opposed progress to such a point they led the World as a whole to dark ages.The Organization in itself is riddled with more scandals and corruption charges and fund misappropriation than so called government they are unleashing their wrath upon.
So my advise is if you want to be taken seriously the church should clean up house and then ask the government to clean up.But the question is if the church is so against abortion then why?Truthfully if any person is a believer then i believe engaging in sexual intercourse which is a must for one to conceive in order to want an abortion is unchristian character so it applies therefore that if they have no jurisdiction and hence no power to claim on such matters
So the question is how can we vote for a document that determines whether you live or die,this is the same documents that gives you rights to become a citizen of this country and as it happens we have not read it?Only a dumb person would sign a contract without reading it first and so am not gambling with my life here,print the document let me read it and then make my mind otherwise i might be signing my soul to the devil and ignorance has never been a defense.
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