Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Can You Write a Letter
Like This One?
Answer “Yes,” and you’ll never have to worry about
your job or rely on others for your livelihood …
Instead, you will be in big demand, earning great money, writing a few hours a day from anywhere in the world you choose to live.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Dear Reader,
It really is a crazy and unfair world out there...
On one hand, there are people who bust their proverbial behinds working year after year...slaving away for bosses and managers who don’t appreciate earn a paycheck that does little more than pay the bills.
On the other hand, there are those who seem to have found a better way.
I’m talking about people who live life on their own terms.
They’re people who have all the money they need, yet they seem to work when they want to...where they want to...for whom they want to. What’s more, they have all the free time in the world to spend with their lower their golf really enjoy life.
And when the economy struggles – and others are losing their jobs or have to cut back – these folks keep living their good life, like nothing’s changed.
You may know some of these people.
And my guess is…you’d like to be just like them.
Now you can.
In fact, I know you can. I’m living proof of it. It wasn’t long ago that I was struggling to earn a living...jumping from one job I hated to another I hated more...never making more than $30,000. (In my last job, I was making $6.50 hour — $13,520 a year — stocking cans in a grocery store!)
But then I discovered something that changed my life...
I learned the simple secrets to writing the kind of letter you’re reading right now.
No Bosses, No Commute
Now I “work” a few hours a day. I write one, maybe two letters a month. Recently, I moved with my family to a little historic town in the Vermont countryside. I have no bosses, no commute. I write from a little cottage steps from my house, where I’m surrounded by peace and quiet. For a break, I’ll walk over to the old Inn across the street for lunch...grab a coffee at the local market...or take a walk up Pinnacle Hill behind my house. I absolutely love it!
My neighbors think I’ve taken early retirement — probably because they never see me working. In many ways, I have retired. Because, for the first time in my life, I decide how my days will be spent. Some days, I’ll feel like working for a few hours (typically in the morning). Other days, I’ll play some golf, tennis, ski … or just hang out with my 11-year-old son.
But what surprises people most (and may surprise you, too) is the income my “retirement” lifestyle gives me: around $300,000 a year.
If I really wanted to, I could make a lot more. There are people who’ve learned this skill making $500,000 … even $1 million a year. (You’ll meet a few of them in a minute … many are friends of mine.)
Here’s the thing, though …
You can learn the same skill that lets us earn a very comfortable six-figure income from home, year after year.
It’s a skill that –– once you know it –– will let you forget all the doom and gloom you hear in the news these days.
You’ll be in constant demand.
You’ll never be wanting for work or money, no matter what state the economy is in.
It’s something you’ll be proud to tell your friends and people you meet. (Believe me, people will be very intrigued when you tell them what you do. They’ll want to know all about it.)
Along the way, you’ll learn much about yourself, about business, and about the world around you.
A Chance to “Reinvent” Yourself
Mercer Island, WA
It’s an opportunity to “reinvent” yourself … and learn about a financially valuable skill that will quickly lift you above any economic fray … forever.
What’s more, you can use this new skill in so many ways.
Use it to turn a hobby or personal passion into a fun and lucrative career. Use it to help find a cure for cancer or help those in distress. Use it to start up your own business (for practically nothing) –– or work in a field you’ve always dreamed of.
Once you have this skill, you can do and accomplish anything.
It’s that powerful.
I know. I’m living proof of it. And so are the many folks who’ve discovered this amazing little opportunity … much like you’re about to do today.
Get paid $210,000 to write 12 letters? It can (and does) happen.
A writer with an established track record can command $8,000 per letter. So 12 letters pays $96,000 in writing fees alone.
Now let’s say six of those letters become “controls” — which means they bring in the most money and keep mailing time after time. If, over the course of a year, each of those six letters mails five or six times, your royalties can add up to another $120,000.
That’s over $210,000 a year writing one letter a month!
More letters = more writing fees. More controls = more royalties!
And all you need to enjoy this success is a computer … a desk … and AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six Figure Copywriting to show you the way!
So just what is this little skill I learned –– the one that transformed me from a $6.50 per hour grocery store shelf stocker to a six-figure income earner?
I learned how to write a simple letter –– like the one you’re reading now.
I know that may surprise you …
But, as you’ll learn by reading on, letters like this one serve as the foundation of a $2.3 trillion industry that –– thanks to the Internet and online marketing –– is growing faster now than ever. (Yes, even in this terrible economy … )
The demand is so enormous, in fact, that as soon as I finish writing this letter, I can make a phone call (or send off an email) to one of my clients –– and have five new projects to choose from … each worth anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 in potential income to me.
And it’s very easy to learn. Just a few simple secrets … including one called the “barstool test,” which I’ll share with you in a minute. (Learn it and you’ll not only be well on your way to writing letters like this one –– you’ll be a far better writer, period!)
I’ll tell you all about how our business works in a moment, and show you why, if you’re willing to learn the very basic secrets to writing a simple letter like this one, you too can make a very generous six-figure income writing a few hours a day from the comfort of your home …
Is This for You?
Roswell, GA
But first, is this opportunity for you? That’s easy to know …
If you’re someone who prefers the structure of a 9-to-5 job or thrives in an office environment, you’re probably not going to embrace the kind of “do-what-you-like” lifestyle that comes with letter writing.
And that’s fine. There’s no single lifestyle “fit” for everyone.
But if you’ve ever fantasized about what it would be like to live “the writer’s life” …
If you’ve always wanted to escape the daily rat race, face new and exciting challenges every day, and have the freedom to wake up on any given morning and say, “Today’s just too nice to be at the computer. I think I’m going to spend it with my family … or go for a hike … or take in a round of golf … ”
Or if you’ve ever dreamed of being able to live and earn a great income anywhere in the world –– maybe in a little villa by the sea here at home, an historic European city, or even on a Greek island for a summer …
Then my hunch is that this opportunity is ideal for you.
It really is a chance to “take back your life” –– from the corporate world, from the bosses who decide your day for you, from rush-hour traffic, from the headaches, pressures, and (these days, especially) the job insecurities that come with the work-a-day life.
And let me make something very clear …
This is not a “get rich quick” proposition. It doesn’t have anything to do with wacky chain letters … or any kind of multi-level marketing scheme … or buying products and having to resell them on your own.
This is a very serious opportunity to learn a highly marketable and lucrative skill that — once you know it — can put you in high demand by some of the biggest companies in the world … and provide you with a six-figure annual income for the rest of your life!
Now I know it may be hard for you to believe that you can make so much money writing simple letters like this one … and be able to do it on your own terms … from anywhere in the world.
But let me take it one step further …
You Don’t Even Need to Be a “Writer” to Be Successful
Some of the best writers in our business have no formal writing background at all. They just love to write … and they learned the secret formula for writing great letters. If you enjoy writing, you too can have this “dream” lifestyle — just by learning the few powerful secrets that make these simple letters successful.
In fact, if you spend a few more minutes with me today, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about this amazing, yet little-known, niche of the writing industry … where you can “retire” from the job you’re in now … and earn more money than most doctors, lawyers, or other well-schooled professionals.
I’ll also show you how the very first letter you write can earn you $10,000 in cash — and launch you on your brand-new writing career faster than you ever thought possible! (It’s happened to others who have taken this life-changing opportunity seriously … and it can happen to you, too.)
But first, it’s high time I introduced myself …
(in fact, it’s better that you’re not … )
Most people think that to be a successful writer you have to be born with a special talent … study the classics … amass a huge vocabulary … and know all the rules of English grammar, usage, etc.
To be a great copywriter, you just have to enjoy writing — and understand the simple rules that go into making strong copy.
And the number one rule is: Be Yourself! In other words, don’t try to be a writer.
Don’t use big words, flowery sentences, or fancy prose. Don’t try to be clever — and avoid clichés at all costs. The most successful sales letters are written in a very conversational tone — almost like you’re talking to a friend. In fact, one of the secrets you’ll learn inAWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six Figure Copywriting is “the barstool test,” where you read something you’ve written aloud … and if it sounds like something you’d say to a friend sitting next to you — it’ll work as sales letter copy!
Once you can write in a conversational tone, it’s just a matter of knowing what to say when. Of course AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting will show you everything — and it’s jam-packed with tips and techniques designed to make every paragraph you write more effective and powerful.
And be sure to pay special attention to Section 24, “The Architecture of Persuasion.” Read it and you’ll understand in an instant what great copywriting is all about.
Hard to Say Where I’d Be Today …
My name is Paul Hollingshead. I’d hate to think what my life might be like had I not stumbled across this opportunity — much like the one you have today.
Before I learned the secrets of writing simple letters like this one, I was in my 30s, stocking the dog-food aisle in a grocery store. Plus, I was about to get fired, because, for some reason, my boss had it in for me. Imagine — working for near minimum wage — and soon to be out of a job!
That’s when I met the gentleman you’ll meet today — a man who literally changed my life. I went from no money and no future to living a dream lifestyle where I can earn virtually as much money as I want to make.
Here’s what I mean …
Need $20,000? Write a Couple of Letters
If I know I’m going to need an extra $20,000 to, say, rent a summer beach house, I’ll merely sit down and write a couple of letters. If I want to put a new kitchen in our house, like we did recently, and need $50,000 to do it … I’ll set aside a month and write five quick letters.
My point is this …
It takes most people years to save that kind of money (or they go into debt to get it). But I can have it in a month or two. That’s because I know any letter I write will earn me at least $10,000 … likely much more.
Once you have this skill, it’s like you’ve been given an all-powerful “wealth dial.” You just turn it to how high you want it to take you!
Let me explain to you how the business I’m in works — and why companies are so willing to pay me big dollars to write a letter like this one.
Just What Is “Direct Response” Anyway?
You see, I write promotional letters for the $2.3 trillion direct-response marketing industry. (Yes, that’s trillions! Surprised? Most people are … )
So what is “direct-response” marketing –– and how is it different from other advertising? Unlike most “image” or brand advertising that you see in newspapers and magazines, direct-response is any kind of advertisement or letter that asks you to take an immediate and specific action — whether it’s to order the product right then and there or request more information about it.
Companies use direct response to sell everything from mattresses to financial newsletters … from health supplements to fruit baskets. Non-profits raise billions using direct-response techniques, too –– from political candidates to environmental organizations to children’s aide groups. And let’s not forget the multibillion-dollar business-to-business market, one of the most lucrative and in demand niches of the direct-response industry for copywriters.
All of them use direct response because a well-written letter can bring in millions of dollars — for a fraction of the cost of opening a storefront or selling wholesale to retailers. Direct-response marketing allows companies to reach the people and businesses most likely to buy their products … simply by sending letters and emails to those who have shown an interest in similar products in the past.
But a direct-response promotion is nothing without the right words. It needs to convey the right message … say the right things … be structured in the right way … and be written to make the prospective buyer take action.
That’s where the copywriter comes in.
$160,000 From One Letter
“Copywriters” are the folks who write these letters –– and the best ones know the simple secrets to making a direct-response sales letter work. For that reason alone, they’re in very high demand … and are paid very well for their services.
How well?
It’s quite possible for a copywriter to live very nicely off just one successful letter per year. That’s because you’re not only paid a handsome fee to write the letter (anywhere from $3,000 to $12,000, depending on the job and the reputation you’ve built up), you can be paid royalties too.
It’s much like writing a best-selling book. The more people who see your letter (whether it’s via mail or the Internet), the more you get paid. I’ve written letters that have paid me tens of thousands of dollars … simply because they mailed so successfully time after time. (One letter I wrote paid me roughly $40,000 a year in royalties for four straight years. That’s over $160,000 in income for about two weeks’ work!)
You Can Make Between $80,000 and $540,000 Per Year
Of course, most successful copywriters don’t write just one letter a year. They write 10, 15, 20, even 30 letters. (There’s plenty of work, don’t forget.) And once this very close-knit industry finds out you can write winning copy — your phone won’t stop ringing!
That’s why, over the course of a year, you can easily earn anywhere from $30,000 to $240,000 in writing fees alone. And if you have just average success with half of them
… royalties could put an additional $50,000 to $300,000 in your pocket!
That’s between $80,000 and $540,000 a year — depending on how many letters you choose to write!
Did you ever think writing simple, personal letters like this one could be so lucrative?
Meet the Gentleman Who Made It Happen for Me …
and Can Make It Happen for You, Too
“When I got that first letter telling me I could make $100,000 a year as a professional copywriter, I was skeptical. If I hadn’t been so desperate… and so broke… I might have thrown it away. That was three years ago. This year I claimed $134,408 on my income tax return – all from copywriting!”
Philadelphia, PA
“From the moment I began AWAI’s program, I knew I was learning things that would change my life and I was right. Within a matter of weeks after completing the program, I found myself working on a copywriting assignment for $3,000! And within the next month, I added two more assignments that
paid $1,500 each. All my life I struggled to find a way that I could make a lot of money and be happy doing it. AWAI’s program did that and more.”
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Neither did I until I met the gentleman you’ll meet now –– the man who will be instrumental in helping you grab your share of the tremendous wealth you can earn by writing simple letters like this one.
His name is Michael Masterson … and he’s the one who helped transform me from a minimum-wage grocery store stock boy to a copywriter earning upward of $300,000 a year … writing a few hours a day … living my life very much on my own terms.
Through his efforts, Michael has helped more than a dozen start-up companies grow into multimillion-dollar enterprises. Among them, Agora Publishing, which was an $8 million direct-response business before he started giving them his copywriting and marketing advice. Today, it’s one of the largest direct-response publishers in the country, with over $300 million in sales (and always looking for new writers!).
More recently, Michael began consulting and writing for Early To Rise, a popular entrepreneurial website that’s grown into a thriving $30-million business. Not to mention over a dozen other businesses and ventures that he’s involved with …
Michael’s talent and skill has allowed him to create an impressive lifestyle for himself and his family … while spending more and more of his time on charitable endeavors both in the U.S. and abroad.
But what’s really important for you to know –– is that Michael takes great pride in the fact that he’s been able to pass on his knowledge to so many. The copywriters he’s trained (me included) have been responsible for over a billion dollars’ worth of direct-response sales through the mail and online.
Learn the Same Secrets That Have Sold Billions
It’s no surprise. Because besides knowing what makes great letters great — Michael Masterson is a brilliant teacher. (In fact, prior to all his financial success, he spent several years teaching literature and writing at the university level.)
Naturally, I’m thrilled to have been one of his many students. There’s no way I could have the success I’m enjoying had it not been for Michael Masterson feeding me the powerful copywriting tips, techniques, and strategies he’s generously given me over the years.
How to Make Your First $10,000 —
Before You Even Finish the Program
It’s very simple, really.
When you receive your program, there’ll be an envelope with it marked “Your $10K Challenge.” In it is everything you need to write a sales letter for the very program you’re taking: AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. You’ll find industry stats, program information, details, facts, testimonials — the whole bit.
Set it aside. (Some members tell us they tape it to a wall near their desk for “inspiration and motivation.”) Work your way through the program. Learn how a sales letter is structured. Soak in all the copywriting secrets and strategies. And when you feel you’re ready, start working on your letter. And when you’ve got it just right — send it in. If it’s good (or even if it just needs a little help) — we’ll put it in the mail. If it beats the current letter that’s in the mail — or performs well enough to remail — we’ll pay you $10,000!
Joshua Boswell is our most recent “$10K Challenge” recipient. Who knows, you could be next – and earn $10,000 before you even finish the program!
“When I first entered the world of copywriting, I was hungry…almost desperate … for writing assignments. I needed money and I needed writing samples. I think most of us are that way at first. That is what makes the ‘$10KChallenge’ AWAI has put together so amazing. You can start earning money, create a very nice portfolio, and get on-going feedback from the masters even before you finish the basic writing program. I’m so thankful for this opportunity!”–Joshua Boswell, AWAI member and working copywriter.
But I’m not the only one …
- Don Mahoney was a cabinetmaker barely eking out a living in upstate New York, getting sicker and sicker from the lacquer fumes and other chemicals he’d breathe in every day. A year after learning Michael’s secrets, he moved to Florida and started writing copy. Today, he earns over $300,000 writing letters from his Miami Beach home.
- Jason Ford was just coming out of personal bankruptcy when he learned Michael’s copywriting secrets. He used his new skills to build three successful businesses — and still makes over $100,000 a year writing copy part-time for his favorite clients.
- John Forde and Will Pratt were kids just out of college when they met Michael Masterson and learned his secrets. Young and full of adventure — they took theirlaptops and their six-figure copywriters’ incomes to Europe a few years ago … andnever came back!
- Karen Tyler came to work for Michael as a copy editor right after she graduated from college. Today, thanks to the skills she learned from him, she’s a partner in a direct-marketing company that generates over $7 million in sales annually.
Now you have an opportunity to add your name to this list.
Because right now you can learn all the powerful copywriting secrets Michael Masterson — and some of the other top copywriters in the industry — know and use.
Secrets that can take you from wherever you are today — and transform you into a writer living “the charmed life,” earning top dollar and having as much (or as little) free time as you desire.
Everything You Need to Know
“The AWAI program has given me the best learning experience I’ve EVER had. It’s helped me see plainly what I need to do to succeed and given me the roadmap and information I need to get there. I can’t thank you enough”
Oakland, CA
“I am so excited … (a freelance marketing consultant) just emailed me to say she’s got several projects coming up … and asked if I’ll be available … I know I wouldn’t have gotten these opportunities without the knowledge and confidence I’ve received from AWAI’s program.”
Lurel, MT
You’ll learn all there is to know about this huge and ever-growing industry … where a single letter can produce millions of dollars in sales — and reward the copywriter who wrote it very handsomely.
You’ll learn who all the players in the industry are … who’s looking for writers (practically everyone!) … who pays top dollar … and the best companies to write for.
We’ll even help you get started — by showing you surefire ways to land your first assignment and launch your six-figure copywriting career. We’ll show you how to get in front of marketing people who are looking for copywriters.
Plus, you’ll have an opportunity to write a letter for us. And if your letter’s a winner, we’ll write you a big fat check for $10,000.
But before I tell you just how we plan to put all this incredible information at your fingertips, let me explain how and why this enormous opportunity has landed in your lap today.
It’s a true story …
One day, over a steak dinner, Michael was lamenting to me and Don Mahoney (another guy Michael snatched from the road to nowhere … who’s now earning over $300,000 as one of the country’s top copywriters) about how his clients have all these products to promote but no one to write the letters.
“There are just no copywriters available,” he told us. “They’re all backed up with work. I wish I could clone you guys,” he joked.
That sparked an idea.
If Michael could successfully teach Don and me — a small-town cabinetmaker and an on-the-outs grocery clerk — to write winning copy, why couldn’t he show anyone willing to learn how to do the same thing?
That’s when it hit us. Why not put all the copywriting secrets Michael has amassed over the years into a thorough, concise, “learn-as-you-go” program — and offer it via the business we know best: direct response!
We went to work immediately. First we gathered all our best copywriting secrets –– secrets Michael, Don, and I had used to sell billions of dollars’ worth of products and services over our combined 30 years of experience. We studied successful direct mail from all sectors of the industry –– retail products, business-to-business, fundraising, subscription letters, financial newsletters, health products, and more. We contacted dozens of the world’s top copywriters and industry experts for their best writing and selling techniques.
Armed with literally hundreds of the industry’s most powerful copywriting secrets, we went to work organizing and incorporating them into a step-by-step program for writing powerful direct-response letters –– from captivating, attention-grabbing headlines … to irresistible offers … and everything in between.
But besides cramming the program full of the most powerful copywriting techniques on earth, we also made sure the material was easy to learn and fun to do. Most important, though, we worked extra hard to create a program that anyone with even the most basic writing skills could succeed with.
And we promised ourselves that no one would ever see this program if it weren’t the absolute best ever on the subject of copywriting. (Anyone who knows Michael knows he’s a perfectionist. If his name were to be associated with it, it had to be the best.)
That was over 12 years ago. Since then, the company we started –– American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI) –– has become the world’s leading publisher of direct-response copywriting information. And the program we created –– AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting –– has been revised, updated, and bolstered with all the latest selling and writing techniques.
And over the years, we did exactly what we set out to do: help thousands of folks change their lives by becoming professional writers.
Many are happy just making extra cash writing from home –– on their own time. Like Shama Sankaran, who wrote us to say:
“Copywriting brought out my hidden creativity and raised my self-esteem. Of course, the extra money has helped to improve my lifestyle as well.”
Or Kelly Richardson, who wrote to tell us about all the writing projects he’s had over the past year:
“Working VERY part-time (I’m still a full-time, high-school English teacher), I’ve just cleared over $40,000 in project fees in the past year.”
Others who are more ambitious … like Heather Robson … are using their new-found copywriting skills to build lucrative home-based businesses:
“I see bigger possibilities in everything now. I have dozens of business ideas based on looking at situations and markets through my copywriter’s lens.”
Sean McCool used his skills to land a job with one of the top information publishers in the country:
“I wanted to thank you for your help and to thank AWAI for the training … without all of you, none of this would have been possible.”
Leah Carson was looking for more money and a lifestyle change. She found both through the AWAI Accelerated Program:
“Since becoming a copywriter, I’ve really enjoyed the little things that have made life easier … and, I’ve gotta say, tripling my income is something that I smile about every day.”
Mary McNamara is using her copywriting to make the world a better place:
“Funds raised by the letters I write make a real difference in the lives of less fortunate children. Yes, I’m paid well for it — but the money’s nothing compared to waking up and feeling good about the contribution I’m making each and every day.”
But as excited as we are about all the success stories we can talk about, it’s the industry’s response to the program that really took us by surprise.
“The Best Course on Copywriting … Ever”
Robert Bly, author of over 70 books on writing and marketing, including the best-sellingCopywriter’s Handbook, said:
“This is the best program oncopywriting I have ever seen anywhere in any form. Anyone who wants toget into direct-response copywriting would benefit enormously from taking it.”
(Bob’s so impressed with our program, in fact, that he agreed to sit on our Board and work with our members. We’re glad he did. He’s a member favorite at our copywriting get-togethers … and few people can teach you more about the direct-response business than Bob!)
As good as it was when it debuted, AWAI’s AcceleratedProgram for Six-Figure Copywriting is even better today. Over the years — the program has been updated, revised, retooled, and added to. New secrets … modern techniques … everything you need to be a successful copywriter in today’s Internet world.
And the demand for new copywriters? Still greater than ever … thanks to: a) huge industry growth (because in difficult times, marketers streamline their sales efforts … and often turn to direct response as a cost-effective way of reaching their customers); and b) the Internet … which has made it so easy and affordable to test new letters, that we estimate demand for new copy has tripled over the past five years alone!
That’s why, if you’re looking to learn a powerful, income-generating skill that will last you a lifetime, AWAI’s Accelerated program for Six-Figure Copywriting will give you every opportunity to succeed in this very exciting, highly lucrative business of letter writing.
- Right off the bat, you’ll be eased into the life of a copywriter. You’ll learn what the copywriting business is all about … what you’ll need to get started … what the industry expects from you (and what you can expect from it) … how you get paid … and more.
- You’ll learn a fast and surefire system for getting all your research and letter-writing ammunition organized … as well as one master’s technique for getting to know the product you’re selling even better than the people who created it.Industry Pros Have Discovered
The Power of AWAI ’s Program …“The simple fact is, AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywritingis hands down the best way I know to get a working knowledge of the world’s most effective copywriting techniques today.
It has, quite simply, become the standard of the industry. Like many direct response companies, I won’t even consider hiring a copy cub who hasn’t completed both the basic andthe advanced program.”
Clayton Makpeace,
Seven-Figure Copywriter“As a marketer who has hundreds of copywriting resources on his shelf — I’ll tell you AWAI knows their stuff!”
Yanik Silver,“Most copywriters will tell you there are proven, specific techniques behind the art of persuasion. The same ideas that hide behind the ‘junk mail’ you find in your mailbox everyday are the same ideas you can use to boost your query letters and grab an editor’s attention.
AWAI has not only uncovered these secrets, but they’ve managed to put them all together in an easy to follow program.
I worked as a consultant for a large corporation for over 12 years. While employed there, I had the opportunity to go through many ‘consulting’ or ‘sales’ courses that cost literally THOUSANDS of dollars. Through those courses, I only learned a fraction of what’s contained in the AWAI program.”
Dan Case,
Editor, Writing for DOLLARS! - You’ll learn how to write masterful headlines that grab your readers’ attention and force them to keep on reading.
- You’ll learn the four-part structure of every letter. Once you know it — and understand what each part must accomplish — it’s just a matter of filling in the blanks.
- You’ll learn the secret to a powerful lead — an opening so irresistible that your reader will want to buy what you’re selling after reading the first two pages.
- You’ll learn the secret of “The Four-Legged-Stool.” Use it faithfully and you’ll never write a bad letter.
- You’ll learn “The Architecture of Persuasion” — Michael’s innovative technique for knowing how every successful letter needs to be structured … and the surest way to lead your reader to the sale.
- You’ll learn how to “speak” directly to your reader … and show that you truly care about his or her worries, needs, and wants. It’s amazing how many letters don’t do this … and fail.
- You’ll learn how to critique your own work … and a “power-editing” technique that will guarantee your letter is the strongest it can be, time after time.
- You’ll learn the secret to creating powerful “bullet copy” … purposeful subheads … eye-catching envelope copy … and an order form that’s virtually assured to clinch the sale.
- Although professional artists will design your letters, you’ll learn the key elements of winning graphics — and the biggest design mistakes that can sabotage even the best copy.
- You’ll learn the one thing you can do to guarantee your first assignment with a major company. (This little trick for getting your foot in the door never, ever fails!)
- You’ll learn how to get yourself “seeded” … so you can see everything that’s mailing and know what’s working and what’s not.
- You’ll learn how to get on all the best industry mailing lists … so you’ll always know what’s “hot” in the mail … who’s hiring … and who the up-and-coming players are. (Will you be one of them?)
- You’ll even learn how to set up your very own direct-mail operation, if that’s what you’d like to do!
You’ll learn all these and many, many more powerful writing secrets, selling techniques, and masterful insights into the art of persuasion … from some of the best copywriting minds in the business.
Remember the “barstool test” I told you I’d share with you? It’s very simple. It’s all about writing the way you’d talk to a friend … over a drink … at a bar. Forget the big words, the flowery language … the dramatic prose …
The barstool test is one of the most powerful secrets for writing great sales letters, because it ensures a strong, personal rapport with your reader. That’s why one of the first things you’ll learn when you take the AWAI program is to forget everything you’ve learned about traditional writing … and just write the way you’d talk to a friend about something you’re passionate about!
What could be easier than that?
A Network Like No Other
But as jam-packed with writing secrets as the program is, it’s just one aspect of your copywriting learning experience. AWAI will not only prepare you for your new copywriting career but will show you how to launch it as well.
For instance, as a member of AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting, you’ll immediately start receiving your FREE subscription to The Golden Thread— our weekly e-letter featuring writing tips, advice, success stories, and, yes, JOB OPPORTUNITIES.
The Golden Threadwill educate and motivate you. And it will be just one of many sources for finding paying assignments when the time comes for you to start writing for money.
You’ll also be given a password to access AWAI’s Members-Only Website — where you can pick up even more tips and strategies … check out the latest job list … get answers to questions you may have … and find past issues of The Golden Thread. There’s also theAWAI Member Forum, where AWAIers talk about their new copywriting careers, build friendships, and form copy circles and buddy groups. It’s a great place for likeminded people to meet and share ideas.
Then there’s our Annual Copywriter’s Bootcamp, which has become the event of the year for up-and-coming writers to mingle with experts, meet marketers, and learn the latest copywriting secrets in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. (It also attracts a lot of marketing professionals who are searching for up-and-coming copywriters … and dozens of our members have landed lucrative jobs and assignments there.)
Plus — and this is a biggie — you’ll have access to, our exclusive Online Job Board, where marketers and writers come together. As I mentioned, AWAI is more and more becoming the place the industry turns to for copywriters to write the volume of letters that need to be written. You see, as the industry’s demand for copywriters grew — and the reputation of our program and the members who complete it got stronger — we knew it was high time for there to be one place where our growing list of marketers could place their job ads one day … and have a writer in place the next. As an AWAIer, you’ll have full exclusive access to this service — and it’s free!
It’s all meant to do two things for you: 1) ready you to take your place among the top copywriters in the country; and 2) help you launch your copywriting career.
There’s No Hurry –– You Go Entirely At Your Own Pace
Now I know this might sound like a lot to you. And it’s natural to feel a little overwhelmed by it all.
“I’m pretty picky about what resources I recommend to my readers. I won’t endorse anything that promises you can ‘get rich quick’ or that professes to know the ‘secret’ of ‘fast, easy success.’ Hey, if you could really earn $1,000 a week stuffing envelopes at home, the American workplace would be empty. As much as we may wish for some magic answer, the fact of the matter is this: Changing course to create the kind of work and life you really want takes time, effort and commitment. Period.
Naturally then I was somewhat skeptical when AWAI contacted me about the program ‘Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.’ Before I recommend anything to my readers I like to see it for myself. In a matter of days, I received the entire program — over 700 pages of material!
Before I launched Changing Course, I worked in the marketing field, so I know a little about the direct mail and copywriting world. To say that I was impressed with the program content would be an understatement. It is highly readable, thorough, and on-target.”
Editor, Changing Course Newsletter
“For the aspiring copywriter new to the arena of persuasive writing, AWAI’s Six-Figure Copywriting Program is a great way to quickly develop your skills. And those skills can open the door to many lucrative copywriting opportunities, whether in direct response or the even larger universe of freelance commercial writing: helping companies from Fortune 100 on down to 10-person shops craft a whole variety of marketing materials for rates that can average $70-100 an hour and hit $150 or more.”
The Well-Fed Writer series
(commercial freelancing how-to guides)
But please understand that there’s a logical sequence to everything you do in AWAI’sAccelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting — and that it can all be done entirely at your own pace.
The initial part of the program teaches you about the business of copywriting … and how to prepare yourself for your new copywriting career.
Before you know it, you’re on your first writing exercise … putting into practice the same skills and knowledge the country’s top copywriters use every day to write powerful direct-response letters.
Then you dig into the meat of the program … where you learn the basic structure of a sales letter — and what every letter needs in order to be successful.
With that foundation in place, it’s just a matter of discovering, absorbing, and incorporating the powerful copy secrets that follow … each one designed to take your copywriting to the next highest level.
In short, if you don’t become a top-notch copywriter with all the resources we’ve put in place for you, it’s only because somewhere along the line you’ve decided copywriting isn’t for you. (Which won’t insult us, by the way. In fact, if you decide copywriting isn’t your cup of tea, you won’t pay a dime for the program! I’ll tell you all about our no-risk guarantee a little later … )
After all, remember why this program exists: Our industry needs writers … badly! And we want you to succeed. Because here’s a little secret …
We Succeed When You Succeed
Over the years, we’ve developed close relationships with some of the top direct-response companies in the country. They’ve seen the kind of letters AWAIers are capable of writing. And they’re more than happy to give any member we recommend an opportunity to write for them.
Take Catherine, one of our members who took AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting shortly after high school. She followed the program and completed her exercises faithfully. Her dream was to write for Nightingale-Conant, a leading publisher of self-improvement products. Following the self-marketing and self-promotion techniques discussed in the program, she contacted the company directly. They liked what they saw and gave her an assignment. The result? Catherine’s been writing for them for years now — and they love her work. Recently, she sent us this letter:
The fact is, we have hundreds of letters on file (and lining our AWAI office walls –– if you ever visit us, you’ll see them!) from members thrilled with the opportunity AWAI’sAccelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywritinghas given them.
But not all of them are from members. Many include happy marketers and direct-response company owners who have seen the program and worked with AWAI-trained copywriters. Jenny Thompson, Agora Health Group Publisher, says …
“I’m always looking for strong copywriters to recruit new subscribers and sell products. I can never have too many good writers in my Rolodex. I’ve seen AWAI’s program, and I can tell you that anyone who successfully completes it is someone I want to talk to about writing for me.”
Brian Sodi, whose company specializes in financial products, writes:
“Top copywriters are critical to my success — and most of the freelance copywriters I use are AWAI members. I am much more comfortable hiring new writers if they’ve taken the AWAI program.”
James DiGeorgia of DiGeorgia & Associates, publisher of 21st Century Investor, writes:
“As publisher of 5 newsletters with tens of thousands of customers worldwide, I’m constantly looking for writers. It’s not unusual for me to pay $2,000, $3,000, even $8,000 for a single letter if I know it will bring in money for my company. As a copywriter myself, I know AWAI’s program is good. Anyone who completes the program and can write a strong sales letter can always work with me.”
Joe Seta, president and owner of Palm Beach Jewelry says:
“I was able to go to AWAI in search for raw copywriting and graphic design talent, and I found exactly what I was looking for.”
And Bill Bonner, President of Agora Publishing, says:
“This past year alone, my company, Agora Publishing, paid out over $5 million in writing fees and royalties to a handful of copywriters. And I’m happy to do it … because a good letter is the ‘engine’ of my business.
That’s why I’m always looking for more copywriters — lots more. There just aren’t enough to write the hundreds of letters my company needs written every year. And I’m not alone. The whole industry needs copywriters.
I’m pleased to hear that my publishers are working with more than a dozen copywriters who have come from AWAI’s program, which is by far the most comprehensive program I’ve seen on the subject of copywriting.”
And these are just a few of the letters we’ve received. More arrive every week.
Bottom line is this. When you succeed, our industry succeeds. And when the industry sees the high level of writing coming from AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywritingmembers — we succeed too.
But perhaps no one benefits more than you. Particularly if you’re at a point in your life where you’re just not happy with the job you’re in … with the money you make … or the strains and stress that come with the typical work-a-day life.
If that’s the case, I’d love to see you give AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-FigureCopywriting a try.
You can do it for the money, yes. (I’ve shown you what top copywriters in our business make. Even to this day, I just have to shake my head and smile when a $14,000 royalty check shows up in my mailbox for a letter I didn’t even realize had mailed again!)
But, more importantly, you should do it for yourself.
A Rich Man’s Best Advice
“You’ll get the nuts and bolts of copywriting. You’ll learn a copywriting formula that’s proven successful. Plus, you’ll get to meet other aspiring and established copywriters. And the folks at AWAI really work hard to help you succeed.”
Million-Dollar Copywriter
“My success in investing has come from learning and applying the secrets of the investment masters — Soros, Buffett, Templeton, etc. My success as a writer has come from learning and applying the secrets of Michael Masterson.”
Editor, True Wealth
“There’s more selling power in this program than in all of the books on display at a typical Barnes & Noble!”
Author of Looking Good in Print
“If you’re serious about changing your life — becoming a writer and doing something meaningful and profitable — I can’t urge you enough to consider AWAI. There is no one else in America like them.”
Professional Copywriter
I was able to go to AWAI in search for raw copywriting and graphic design talent, and I found exactly what I was looking for.”
president and owner of Palm Beach Jewelry
Warren Buffett, one of the smartest and most successful men of our time, was recently asked what he considered to be the best investment anyone could make in these difficult times.
His answer was fast and simple …
“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”
That could very well be the best advice Mr. Buffett has ever offered.
If ever there were a time to take control of your future, it’s now.
A freefalling stock market is jeopardizing the comfortable retirement of millions. Once rock-solid, mainstay companies are struggling to survive. Millions of blue- and white-collar jobs are on the line.
And most experts agree –– the worst is yet to come.
But today, you have an opportunity to rise above it all –– and join the small group of us who don’t have to worry about whether our jobs are going to be there at the end of the day.
Because even now, the demand for letters like the one you’re reading are greater than ever, as companies look to more efficient and cost-effective ways to market their products.
That’s why there’s never been a better time to put your future squarely in your own hands –– and master a valuable skill that will forever be in demand … now and right through your retirement years.
So, What’s the Cost of This Lifetime of Knowledge?
If the information in AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting were available at any school, it would cost you many thousands of dollars. (It isn’t, by the way. In fact, AWAI’s program may be the only place you can learn everything there is to know about this little-known “niche” market.)
That’s why folks are surprised when they learn that the actual cost of AWAI’sAccelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywritingis just $507 for everything you need to launch your copywriting career.
Some of What You’ll Get
It includes the core program, which will take you on a step-by-step journey through the entire letter-writing process — from how to write a strong headline … to how to create a winning order form.
You’ll have an opportunity to practice your writing as you work on an actual direct-mail letter covering all the key components … headline, lead, bullets, subheads, close, order device.
You’ll get your own copy of our freshly revised and updated 300+ page Hall of Famebook, jam-packed with proven selling ideas from 50 of the most successful direct-mail letters and direct-response ads ever written. (Every copywriter should have this resource!
Mine’s right here beside me on my desk. I’m constantly looking to it for clues, insights, and ideas.)
You’ll get The Golden Thread, the weekly members-only email where you’ll find inspiration, insights from the pros, newly discovered copywriting tips and strategies, information on getting clients, and industry news and happenings.
If you’re stuck or have a question about anything concerning the program, read through past questions submitted by writers before you. Chances are your question has already been asked and answered by one of the top experts. If not, just email us, and our Member Services team will get back to you promptly with an answer.
Of course, you’ll want to visit –– where dozens of jobs from some of the top marketing companies in the country are begging for skilled and eager copywriters to write for them. This site is fast becoming the place where writers and marketers connect. It’s launched many a copywriting career –– and access to it is absolutely free when you take the AWAI program.
You’ll be invited to attend our annual copywriting Bootcamp, held at our favorite hotel on the ocean, near our headquarters in Delray Beach, Florida. There you can hear top copywriters (Michael Masterson among them) share their deepest and most powerful secrets. And if you can’t make it — don’t worry. We can send you recordings of all the most important workshops.
And let’s not forget your opportunity to participate in our “$10K Challenge” –– where you can work on a variety of assignments, including writing a letter promoting AWAI’sAccelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting. This is a serious opportunity to earn hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars — before you even finish the program!
But here’s why getting this program and learning this skill is such a “no brainer”:
$39 Can Get You Started …
Instead of paying the whole amount upfront — you can sign up for the program for just $39. Think of it as your “Let’s see if this is for me” option. We’ll send you everything you need to get started, including the first 14 sections of the program, your first practice writing exercises, your email subscription to The Golden Thread, and, of course, your invaluable Hall of Fame book packed with some of the most successful sales letters of all time.
… And There’s No Risk to You
Then take 30 days to look it all over. Start working on the program if you like.
If it’s not everything you imagined — or if you happen to decide copywriting just isn’t for you — return the unmarked materials within those 30 days and we’ll send your $39 back … no questions asked.
But if you like what you see — and you’re ready to begin your new copywriting career — you’ll receive the rest of the program in 12 monthly installments at $39 each … billed to your credit card.
The Best 39 Bucks You’ll Ever Spend …
You know as well as I do, people spend $50,000 or more on a college degree and never earn over $100,000 a year. This is a very real opportunity to learn a marketable skill that can earn you a nice six-figure income for the rest of your life.
And now you can get started for less than the cost of a meal in a restaurant.
So if you’re ready to put this troubled economy behind you –– and choose a lifestyle that’s richer, freer, and infinitely more rewarding … get AWAI’s Accelerated Programfor Six-Figure Copywriting today. Order Now!
Or call Barb, Pat, Debbie or Jackie at 1-866-879-2924.
Remember, there’s no risk — and if you stick with it, your very first letter could be the next one we send out … along with a $10,000 check with your name on it.
Paul Hollingshead
Co-Founder, Co-Chairman, AWAI
P.S. I almost forgot. We’ve just published a brand-new report called “How to Safely and Quickly Change Careers.” It’s everything you need to know about leaving your old life and embarking on your exciting new copywriting journey. Remember, this is just one special bonus you’ll receive. Be sure to turn the page to see a complete listing of everything you get when you order AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting— as well as information on how to get this remarkable program in your hands as quickly as possible … for as little as $39!
And if you have any doubt as to how much our members love this program — and the service we provide — look no further than the impeccable record we have with the Better Business Bureau. You can obtain a report on American Writers & Artists Inc. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by visiting Or you can call them directly at 561-842-1918.
“After going through AWAI’s program, I sent some letters advertising my services as a freelance copywriter. I only mailed 16 letters. This was my ‘dream clients’ list. Companies I really wanted to work for…
That was two weeks ago.
Today, I have three new clients!
After getting a call this morning from a publisher, I was so happy, I jumped up and down. You have to understand, this is a huge company that just doesn’t deal with small fries like me.
I couldn’t even call the marketing department, they don’t take cold calls. Period. And here I was getting a call — not from the marketing manager’s assistant, or even the manager … but the publisher himself — asking me if I’d be interested in writing for him! I decided I better wait before promoting myself anymore.
At this rate, I won’t be able to keep up with all the work I’m getting.”
“In 2003, I had advanced to a point in my sales career where weekly travel was inevitable. I was at the top of my field, earning a great living. But as a new dad, I didn’t want to be away from home all the time. Plus, I was getting tired of continually rising quotas – an inevitable reality when you’re in sales. Eleven years of chasing numbers had worn me out. I was ready for a change. Yet I didn’t want to sacrifice my high income and my family’s financial future.
“AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting allowed me to develop the skills I needed to transition away from a six-figure sales career and into a six-figure copywriting business. In my first full year as a freelance copywriter, I earned $163,481.”
“Since taking my first AWAI copywriting course and attending several AWAI copywriting bootcamps, my new career as a freelance copywriter has really taken off. Clients I gained from submitting my first bootcamp spec assignments 2 1/2 years ago are still my clients today, earning me over six figures a year. Plus, I've been able to afford to indulge my passion for travel. Just in the last year, I've gone to Honduras, Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Croatia. Thanks AWAI for all your help!”
American Writers & Artists Inc.